- The ozone in OZONE FACTOR destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses in the body.
- It activates and balances the repair systems (including vessels) in the body.
- It increases the oxygen transport capacity of the blood by 2 to 10 times.
- It activates antioxidant systems in the body and reduces the LPO intensity (lipid peroxidation).
- It accelerates the circulation in the capillary through its blood-thinning effect.
- It expedites the hematopoietic systems.
- It expedites the hematopoietic systems.
- It increases the production of enzymes and biologically active substances that decrease as the end result of aging in the body.
- With analgesic action, it relieves all the pain in the body, even the chronic one.
- It brings the blood flow to normal levels. It allows regulation of blood circulation by dilating the veins.
- It stabilizes the blood pressure within 2 to 10 days after using it and keeps it at normal levels.
- It treats circulatory disorders such as varicose veins and also relieves pain.
- It reduces the negative effects of smoking.
- It strengthens and regulates the immune system.
- It increases the amount of oxygen in the tissues.
- It regulates the alkaline acid balance of the blood.
- It increases cell metabolism, allowing cellulite sedimentation to be released extracellularly.
- It prevents intimal sclerosis and reduces membrane cholesterol.
- It reduces the blood sugar.
- It prevents the formation of platelet aggregates.
- It inhibits the aggregation of formed elements in the blood.
- It increases the oxygen supply of the brain cells.
- It eliminates the problems such as loss of balance, severe headache, blurred vision and speech disorders, memory loss, caused by the blockage of cerebral vessels.
- It increases the secretion of the happiness hormone (endorphin) and youth hormone (melatonin) in the brain.
- With increasing the amount of oxygen secreted by the brain cells, neurons begin to produce abundant energy, their metabolism increases, and communication between them becomes more intense. It is therefore effective in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
- Since brain cells function better with abundant oxygen, it also enhances overall body activities. For instance, hormonal mechanisms are activated—hormones are balanced in women with menstrual irregularities, menstrual issues are resolved, and the reproductive cycle is regulated (for both men and women).
- In women, the uterine wall is cleaned, the ovaries are moved, and the quality of the ovaries is increased. It eliminates menstrual disorders and menstrual pain and also balances the hormones.
- Through improving the circulation and oxygenation it also improves the performance in men. It increases the quality function, motility and number of sperm.
- Tiredness, insomnia, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating and chronic fatigue stand out.
- It increases the resilience of the body.
- It regulates the sleep irregularities.
- It is effective in chronic urticaria and general allergies.
- It quickly removes the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause gastric ulcer and thereby eliminates the gastric ulcer.
- It regulates the digestion and eliminates the constipation problem
Olive Oil
Olive oil is the natural oil extracted from olives, the fatty fruit of the olive tree. About 24% of the oil is saturated fats and omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. But the predominant (73%) fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which is extremely healthy. Oleic acid is believed to help reduce inflammation, and may have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Extra virgin olive oil is fairly nutritious. Apart from its beneficial fatty acids, it contains modest amounts of Vitamins E and K. But live oil is also loaded with powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and may help fight serious diseases. This includes antioxidants that can fight inflammation and help prevent the cholesterol in our blood from becoming oxidized, both crucial steps in the heart disease process.
Olive oil has numerous benefits for heart health. It lowers blood pressure, protects LDL particles from oxidation, and has beneficial effects on many other risk factors. Some studies suggest that olive oil can help fight Alzheimer’s disease, but more research is needed to confirm this. Both observational studies and clinical trials suggest that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Extra virgin olive oil has anti-bacterial properties, and has been shown to be particularly effective against Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.
Some researchers believe that ozone has therapeutic effects and the therapy has been studied and used for over 150 years. A layer of ozone is found in the earth’s stratosphere. Its primary purpose is to protect the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, most of which it absorbs. In medicine, ozone therapy is used to disinfect and treat conditions by disinfecting the area around them, improving the body’s intake and use of oxygen, and activating the immune system.
What is Ozone?
Some researchers believe that ozone has therapeutic effects and the therapy has been studied and used for over 150 years. A layer of ozone is found in the earth’s stratosphere.
Its primary purpose is to protect the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, most of which it absorbs. In medicine, ozone therapy is used to disinfect and treat conditions by disinfecting the area around them, improving the body’s intake and use of oxygen, and activating the immune system.
100% Ozonized cold pressed olive oil.
Not recommended for children under 10 years of age. Not suitable for use in patients with hyperthyroidism. (Thyroid Glands Overactivity). Not suitable for use by Favism patients (Lack of GL-6-F Dehydrogenase Enzyme) Which is accompanied by an enzyme deficiency in the red blood corpuscle. Not appropriate for patients with later stages of anemia and blood related disorders.(Haemophilia, coagulopathies). It is not suitable for chronic and recurrent pancreatitis patients. It is not suitable for patients with active bleeding or who had a bleeding over a period of 15 days (such as stomach bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage). It is not suitable for people who have an ozone allergy (It is a very rare condition, and it is more affected with odor sensitivity).Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep in a cold and dry place. In case of any undesirable effects please contact your doctor.
How to use:
One capsule per day should be taken with plenty of water in the evening or in the morning.
vericamanasieva (потврден сопственик) –
Mnogu sme zadovolni od kapsulite ozone prezadovolni imasebakterija na nogata a sega ja nema poveketo i gi preporacuvam na site koi imat problemi da gi probat
Симона –
Таткото на мојот сопруг беше хоспитализиран поради компликации настанати како резултат на COVID-19. Го пуштија дома, со препорачана терапија со капсулите на OzoneGold. Ги пие веќе 2 месеци, состојбата му е многу подобрена, нивото на сатурација го одржува во нормала благодарение на чистиот кислород што го внесува преку капсулите. Пресреќни сме што ни се врати дома жив и здрав, без никакви здравствени последици.
Trajce –
Nogu dobro, od ko izleza na pazaro gi koristam
Elizabeta –
Капсулите ги користам 1 година без прекин, сите хрночни проблеми ги решив за една година. Со годони решавав хрнични проблеми се и сешто пробав што ми препорачаа докторите, но одкако ги пијам капсулите се препородив. Ви благодарам што постоиите!!!
Ивана –
Само после едно пакување почнав да ги чувствувам бенефитите. Имам енергија, притисокот ми се среди а и како алергијата да ми помина полесно 🙂
Никола –
Ладно цедено маслиново и озон, комбинација која ми го крена имунитетот. Секоја чест
Blagoja –
So samo edno sise ispieno imam poveke energija. Imam 64 godini i moite 30 minutni prosetki sega stanaa 50 minutni. KOlku dolgo mozam da gi pijam apcinjata? Smeam nekolku sisinja po red? Rezultatite se odlicni
Игор –
Капсулите ми го намалија заморот, недостатокот на енергија а приметив и дека сум посконцентриран и поактивен.
Marina –
Капсулите ми помогнаа да ја вратам енергијата, да го подигнам имунитетот но и да ми се намали реакцијата на полен која ја имам во периодов. Сега слободно можам да возам точак 🙂
Kire –
Mi se dopgja toa sto se prirodni
Aleksandar –
Прекрасен производ,се чувствувам одлично по само 3 недели користење.
Valentina –
Odlicni! Vednas posle prvoto pakuvanje go regulirav pritisokot, sega poveke nemam potreba nitu od redovnata terapija za pritisok.
Elena –
Mnogu sum zadovolna od ovoj produkt, bidejki mi dava energija vo tekot na celiot den.
Natasha –
Go regulira pritisokot posle 2 sedmici.