The Air Screen Puro 360 brings the latest air purification technology to your home. Unlike other air purifiers, the Air Screen Puro 360 does not just filter the air. Technologies such as photocatalytic oxidation, high levels of negative ionization, growing purification, and electrostatic air filtration allow the Air Screen Puro 360 to provide real benefits in your home or workspace.
- It destroys pollutants in the air, on walls, floors, and furniture.
- It reduces and eliminates unpleasant odors from cigarettes, moisture, food, etc.
- It helps in disinfecting all surfaces.
The five-speed motor in the Air Screen Puro 360 is quiet and efficient in air purification. By using the Air Screen Puro 360, you not only improve the air quality but also enhance the quality of your life.
Покриеност: од 23m² до 279m² (Зависи од степенот на загаденоста, провевот, влажноста и температурата на воздухот.)
Напојување: 100 – 240V 50/60Hz 2.5A
PCO ќелија
Нормален режим: < 0,02 ppm озон (ambient room concentration)
Плоча за прочистување
Висок режим: 25 – 360 mg озон на час
- Висина: 30,5cm
- Ширина: 23cm
- Должина: 27.5cm
- Тежина: 4,6Kg
How to use
The Air Screen Puro 360 provides you with clean air without unnecessary complications. With proper maintenance (see "Maintenance and Cleaning" on page 11), the Air Screen Puro 360 will serve you with the same intensity and quality for many years. By pressing a single button, the device starts operating and eliminates harmful biological pollutants and dangerous pathogens in your home or office. Improving your quality of life has never been easier.
Electrostatic Filtration
An advanced electrostatic filter is included in the Air Screen Puro 360 to keep the device clean and assist in particle filtration. Unlike expensive HEPA filters, the electrostatic filter can be washed and used continuously.
Needlepoint Ionization
The Air Screen Puro 360 generates a continuous flow of negative ions that circulate in your home. These ions electrify particles (such as dust, bacteria, and other harmful particles), causing them to attract and group together. As the particles group, they become heavier and are more easily drawn into the HVAC filter or fall to the floor to be later cleaned with a vacuum. Unlike HEPA filters, which can purify particles down to 0.5 microns or larger, the ionizer can purify much smaller, even nano-sized particles, which can be more dangerous.
Growing Purification
The device can easily be adapted to the appropriate level of purification for your home. In high mode, the purification plate generates active oxygen to help break down particles that cause unpleasant odors. For fast purification, the device can be set to Away mode, which includes a timer for automatic shutdown and is used for maximum purification when the room is empty.
Advanced Photocatalytic Lamp (PCO)
The advanced photocatalytic lamp (PCO) and growing purification destroy biological pollutants, odors, bacteria, and viruses. It has been proven that PCO destroys 99% of harmful pathogens in less than 24 hours through a process called molecular dissociation, which breaks down molecules. Scalable oxygenation ensures that your device operates at maximum efficiency. In high mode, the purification plate generates active oxygen to help break down particles that cause unpleasant odors. For fast purification, the device can be set to Away mode, which includes a timer for automatic shutdown and is used for maximum purification when the room is empty.
Филип –
Короната не принуди на се.. Ради тоа највеке го земавме озонаторот, ама сеа сфаќаме дека не требало да чекаме да фати короната за да сменеме нешто во нашето секојдневие.. Секогаш домот ни е чист, со свеж и пријатен воздух, дезинфицирано.. Идеална средина за живеење